Reducing CO2 to prevent global warming has become an urgent issue. And many companies have set SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and set out the goal of ”carbon neutral” to balance greenhouse gas emissions to zero.
Tool Holder Green Gl Chuck is an environmentally friendly tool holder that can be expected to reduce tool usage, reduce defective parts, and shorten cycle time, leading to resource and energy savings. When a customer purchases a Green Gl chuck, Yukiwa Seiko will donate 100 Japanese yen for each chuck to the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organizaiton’s “Geen Donaiton” on behalf of th e customer. By using the Green Gl chuck, end users can save resources and energy, and byp romoitngt ree planitnga nd increasingg reeneryw tih” Green donaiton,” wec an reduce CO2, preventg lobal warming, and contribute to sustainability. And we aim to realize a sustainable society.
Sponsored by the National Land Aforestation Promotion Organization, this is a social contribution activity in which anyone can participate in order to enrich forests and greenery. The Green Donation focuses on forests and g reene 「y thatgi ve us various benefits, and various greeningp 「o j ec ts such as greeningo fth e familiar environme ,tn forestm aintenance, greenery awareness-raisingp ro j ects、 and foreste nvironmental educaiton. It’s helpful
社製品を輸出される際は関連法規の遵守をお願い致します。 また弊社は、大星破壊兵器の開発・設計・製造・使用・保管を含む軍事的な用途や、国際的な平和や安全維持の妨げとなる行為を目的とする者に対して、弊社製品を輸出販売使用•保筐することを、固くお断りいたします。
When exporting YUKIWA products, please comply with related laws and regulations.We firmly decline to export and sell YUKIWA products to those who aim for military purposes, such as developing, designing, manufacturing,using and keeping of arms for mass destruction and act against global peace and international security, and to let them use and keep YUKIWA products.
ご希望のお客様へ既存のツールホルダ相当サイズのスーパーG1チャックをお貸しいたします。 取り替えみて、実際にその効果をお試しください。
東京営業所 | 048-434-7101 |
名古屋営業所 | 0561-64-0300 |
大阪営業所 | 06-6748-2020 |
本社営業課 | 0258-81-1111 |
海外営業課 | 0561-61-1400 |